About Flags With Pride
The Conroe Tiger Band distributes American flags at homes and businesses in the Conroe High School feeder zone for 6 holidays a year. The proceeds from this community service fundraiser help support our band program. The program has been in place since 2013 and thanks to the community’s support it continues to grow each year. Thanks to you, the Conroe High School Band Boosters are able to support an amazing music education experience for our Band Students that they wouldn’t otherwise be afforded. We sincerely thank you and appreciate you!
$50/year per flag (plus $1.00 processing fee if you pay online) as provides support for all holidays below running through the 2024 calendar year. Flag(s) will be placed by the Conroe Tiger Band Family for the following holidays:
President’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Patriot’s Day
Veteran’s Day
Pearl Harbor Day
Each subscription year is for 1 calendar year and starts with the President’s Day holiday.
Please note: If inclement weather is present, flag distribution may be delayed or canceled for the safety of our students and their families.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does a Flags with Pride Subscription include?
A member of our Conroe Tiger Band Family will put a 10-foot tall pole with an American flag at your address for 6 patriotic holidays throughout the year, and then pick up the pole/flag after each holiday. Flags typically go out 1-3 days prior to the holiday and then are picked up 1-3 days after the holiday. **Please note that if inclement weather is present, flag distribution may be delayed or cancelled for the safety of our students and their families.
Why did part of my neighborhood get flags and my part didn’t?
We have many different families and students helping to distribute flags for each holiday. Flag distribution is divided into routes, and each participating family is assigned a route. In our more successful neighborhoods with a large number of subscriptions, there may be several different routes staffed by several different families. We give our families 3 days before a holiday to distribute routes and 3 days after to pick up routes to allow them to work flag distributions into already busy schedules.
If you did not get your flag, please notify us by 5:00 pm CST the day before the holiday so we can have a flag placed in your yard. We will need your name, phone number, email & flag address.
Below you can see our current service zone:
How can I get this program in my neighborhood?
Please email our Flags with Pride coordinator to ask about starting the program in your neighborhood. We are always looking to grow this popular program.
Information or Questions
For more information or questions regarding the Flags With Pride Program, please email flagswithpride@conroetigerband.com
CTB Students & Parents
Our program could not be a success without student and parent participation. If you are interested in being a part of this program or would like more information about the benefits and responsibilities of participating, please contact the Flags with Pride coordinator at FlagsWithPride@conroetigerband.com.
Additional information can also be found on Charms.