The Conroe High School Band Boosters are family, friends, and community members who wish to support the Conroe Tiger Band, it’s directors, and it’s students in their musical and academic activities. The Boosters provide the financial and logistical support and positive morale required for one of the largest bands in the Greater Houston Area to be successful.
Any adult wanting to support the CTB is welcome to be a Booster. We have parents, grandparents, friends, neighbors, and former students who all contribute. There are no membership fees. All you need to do is let us know you’d like to be a Booster.

2024-2025 Booster Board
Jennifer Larkin
First Vice President (Fundraising)
Lorena Saenz Jimenez
Second Vice President (Parent Volunteer Organizer)
Amber Sanford
Treasurer (Charms)
Yvonne Recio
Treasurer (Accounts Payable)
Shawnalee Hitt
Kim Henschel
Flags With Pride Co-Coordinators
Melissa & Rick Kronenberger
Cynthia Mitchell Pavilion Fundraiser/Aramark
Windy McMahon, Marcus McMahon, & Ed Wheat
Meals Coordinator
Christine Tatum
Corporate Sponorship Coordinator
Ally Harrington
Committee Chairs
Social Committee Chair
Amy Cox
Social Media Chair
Christel Zuvich
Jennifer Larkin
Banquet Chair
Eva Avendano
Color Guard Chair
Shawnalee Hitt
Color Guard Co-Chairs
Christina Carlson & Melanie Sangil
Interested in chairing a committee? Please contact our President to let us know!
Meeting Minutes
There are many different pieces of the puzzle that have to come together for CTB events and performances to be successful. Our committees cover these different needs as they arise. Some examples include:
Loading Crew coordinating the movement of instruments and equipment when traveling
Pit Crew moving the pit instruments on and off the field for performances
Medical Team providing basic first aid and keeping students safe and healthy
Uniform Committee fitting students, repairing uniforms, and keeping uniforms organized
Social Committee organizing social events and the annual banquet for students and families
Communications Committee promoting the events and accomplishments for the CTB
Meals Committee organizing and distributing meals for the students when we travel
Various Fundraising Committees coordinating fundraisers to finance activities and events
and more as needed.
We always need volunteers to staff our committees. Please consider joining one of our committees.
We welcome all volunteers who would like to help the CTB. We need volunteers to chaperone trips, distribute items to students, and help with events. The process to become a volunteer is simple.
Please submit your application on the CISD website. Conroe ISD requires that all volunteers complete a free background check through the district.
When you receive your confirmation email from the district (usually within a week), please forward it to our Volunteers Coordinator.
Our Volunteer Coordinator will give you a volunteer badge. Volunteers don’t need to be present at all events. Help out at the ones that you are available for. You may also choose to be on committees that provide other functions and fit with your schedule.
Volunteers can access the Charms calendar to sign up for events. If you have questions about volunteering, please contact our Volunteers Coordinator.​
Fundraising is a very important part of what the Boosters provide. We hold several fundraisers throughout the year to raise funds that finance the activities of the CTB. Community support is vital for the growth and success of our students. Follow us on social media to receive information and update about our fundraising events.
You may volunteer to help with fundraisers on the Charms calendar or by contacting our First Vice President.
If you or your business is interested in becoming a Community Sponsor for the CTB, or if you know someone who would be interested, please contact our First Vice President for assistance.
Charms Office is one of the primary ways we communicate with our families. All students have an account on Charms with detailed information for that student. Parents and students can access account fees and balances, make fee payments, update personal information, and access Booster information files. There is also a public calendar available for the community to view upcoming events.
Go to the Charms Office Login, and use the school code conroehsband. Parents and students, your student ID is your passcode the first time you log in.