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What are the benefits of helping?

  • Families supporting the Conroe High School Tiger Band FWP program earn credits for the CTB band students they designate (recorded in Charms and applied to band dues, fees, and other program charges


  • Credits are “earned” by support of flag placement and recovery on routes assigned within the CTB service area, as that service is performed (for each scheduled holiday supported), at rates established by the CTB Boosters and Band leadership


  • Credits earned “rollover” to future years (as exceed current obligations) and can be applied to the accounts of other band students (siblings, or others at the band family’s discretion and direction)


  • Families contribute to a program with significant community visibility, as attracts appreciation from our neighbors and the band directors for 10+ years of support, and demonstrate leadership and responsibility for the band students involved

What are the responsibilities of helping?

  • CTB partners with our supplier (Flags With Pride) in marketing and supporting a program with over 2,000 customers:​

    • CTB FWP coordinators establish flag distribution schedules specific to each holiday and provide training and support to families and others as serve … families are expected to follow those scheduled times and leverage those resources as best support our subscribers and protect our supplier’s assets and business reputation

    • CTB Boosters owns the flag storage shed(s) and is responsible for care/custody of flags in storage, to include proper storage and protection

    • Flags With Pride owns the flags and is responsible to identify suitable flag locations, install sleeves/curb markers, set routes for support, and provides other supplies and support (racks, identifying stickers, and routine flag replacement)

  • Families ensure that expectations are met (as instructed and trained), schedules are followed, and issues communicated to the CTB FWP coordinators

  • Families are asked to support the FWP program for a minimum of one year (and ideally longer, to realize the benefits of training and experience), and to provide “notice” of resignation at least 60 days prior to a scheduled holiday (see the Conroe High School Band page on the Flags With Pride website for those dates)

  • Family members supporting the CTB FWP program other than band students must annually (each school year) complete this Volunteer in CISD clearance as required for all CTB Boosters volunteers and provide to the mailbox

  • Families which do not reasonably meet program expectations will receive additional instruction as needed, and may see adjustments to credits in Charms for work not properly performed, instructions not followed, or for damages to Flags With Pride or CTB Booster property which in the judgment of the FWP coordinators and Booster leadership falls outside of standards for reasonable care

  • CTB FWP coordinators address issues with subscribers (including repairs to be done by our supplier), drawing on input provided by families in support … families are not expected to deal with “problem” subscribers or issues with neighbors, but do need to be our “eyes on” for the FWP program

Resources and Training

  • FWP instructions are also found in route binders, and include detailed work steps and contact information to assist in operations support

  • Flag standards … both general U.S. Flag Etiquette and our supplier’s standards for when a flag is not suitable for display, as the CTB FWP coordinators will then return to him for repair/replacement (further instructions TBD)

  • Route sheet(s) developed from our supplier’s input to most efficiently guide in distribution 

    • Additions to the route are highlighted to reflect new customers to the route (new subscribers/renewals or as moved to consolidate)

    • Extra “premium” where highlighted  as recognizes additional time and effort involved to support

  • Scheduled flag distribution and recovery dates with support … at the discretion of the CTB FWP coordinators, dates for flag distribution and recovery are established (as our supplier also requires for our control of his assets) and expected to be followed … these will be communicated where possible 30 days in advance of each holiday, though remain subject to weather and other changes outside of our control/influence

  • Full support from the CTB FWP Coordinators (dedicated email at for questions, issues, or suggestions as needed

  • Families are invited to help in marketing while running routes … primary support is with cards/QR codes available (in binders) to provide information to interested parties

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